Sunday, August 3, 2014

Shirakiin Ririchiyo ~Glasses/Science~ "Taito - Non Scale"

Hey DrunkenAnt Desu ~

I'm doing another Shirakiin Ririchiyo from "Inu X Boku SS "
Taito for some reason made another Ririchiyo
I guess they just really like her~ I don't blame them, I like her too~

I got this one at Katsucon 20 for about $45
I know I paid too much for it but for some reason, I agreed to slap down money for it,
plus tax too if it wasn't too much already.

Box is simple prize style box with no windows or anything to fantasy.
Both front and back and the two sides have the same image ~

I say first impression is very nice~
She looks super cute in that lab coat, glasses and garter belts
Science can't be done without them
Her pose is simple~ Standing with the knees pointed together and gazing at her beaker.
The science behind cuteness and fashion is something I should of studied in school~

I had this figure for a five mouths and didn't even notice this "paint blot" on her chest.
It wasn't noticed till I started editing the images on the computer.
Other than this the rest of her is good~


Oh~ You have to love that cute face of hers when shes looking in to the questionable green liquid~
Looking through her cute glasses she seems to wonder~ Maybe she need to add some more of clear liquid head in her other hand.

Glasses are a symbol of intelligence~
You don't usually see Ririchiyo-Sama with her spectacles~ so its a site to enjoy~


Other than that Grade A Zettai Ryouiki~ Got to love them Garter Belts ~
They sit over her shiny smooth thigh just asking for attention

The base is simple~
I like simple base as there isn't anything taking attention away from the figure its self.

The base is just a black circle with the name of the anime

Her glasses and the clear test tube are removable
Ririchiyo-Sama must of wanted a better look with her raw eyes and no help from her glasses.

I'm extra careful when removing and setting her glasses, I always feel like I'm going brake them.

Opps whats this photo doing here....

Now lets take a look up her skirt
She has white panties on
Its an okay up skirt, she doesn't have to much to show

I took a few shots of her in side randomly~
I wasn't feeling the hot out doors too much
The lazy me only has this to show

Just to let you know ~
We do have a facebook page:
I'll be posting photos of all the cosplay from the up coming Otakon Convention there
But do look for an Otakon Post coming soon~

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