Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Update 4/17/2014

Hello guys, today I received my complete selection package :D

Will take more shots once I unpack everything. Let us know what you think about the CSM line. 


Monday, June 9, 2014

Good Smile Racing sponsorship

Hello guys, today just wanted to do a quick update. I have received my cardholder for the GSC racing sponsorship and it's great. It's my first time sponsoring and wish I could've done it earlier. For starters there a few tiers starting at 3000~ yen up to 50,000~ yen . Each course will give you more goodies :D this time around I choose the 7000 yen course because it comes with the nendoroid and a badge. I ordered 2 because I wanted to have a spare nendoroid just in case :D 

Here's a picture of the badge envelope packaging

Badge come inside of a bag and wrapped with plastic on the metal parts

Overall, it was a great purchase and I will continue to sponsor from now on. If any of you would like more information let us know :D


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